Your Pledge Just Became More Important Than Ever! |
Dear BPC Loved Ones, With all our fixed costs substantially higher, due to inflation, and in light of Lora’s sad/exciting news, securing every person’s pledge ASAP has suddenly become more important than ever. As we prepare our 2025 budget, serious conversations have already begun as to whether we can raise enough, this pledge drive, to replace Lora’s position after she leaves. Please pray, ponder and make sure to submit your pledge by the end of November, if at all possible. With many of our largest donors moving away or passing away, we really need EVERYONE who is able to increase their pledge, as much as they can, so we can go out and find the next Lora East to keep up this beautiful BPC tradition of helping to train (and enjoy) the best of the best new pastors and talent in our denomination! You can submit your pledge card by mailing it to the church office or dropping it in the offering plate Sunday. You can also contact our finance director, Sue Haldeman, ((310) 826-5656 or who can record your pledge, set you up on auto-pay or arrange to receive a stock transfer (please read the attached document detailing how paying your pledge in stock, real estate, etc. can save you up to 30%!) Together we can keep BPC strong as we continue to serve and provide life transforming ministries to our community, city and world. Love, Dave |

Being a member of Brentwood Presbyterian Church for more than 23 years, I am grateful to be a part of this church family and to have found this community. BPC reminds me how to give joyfully when I realized I was the one who was really receiving; to serve when I thought I was too tired or busy, and in turn exhilarated and uplifted for the experience beyond words. To hear faith sharing from those who are grateful for the generous giving from BPC in our community and worldwide, often leaves me speechless and in tears, and always wanting to do more. Wells dug for clean water where there were none before. Schoolrooms built so that children can gather safely and learn. Food when shelves in our local neighborhood cupboards are empty. Backpacks filled with comfort and simple necessities of life. Clothes and socks and blankets for cold nights and hard days.
A few years ago one of the members of the Mustard Seed Group I am in, Donna Arakawa, shared a favorite poem of hers at one of our meetings when we were discussing ‘gratefulness and thanks’, which still resonates with me strongly. Let me offer you a few lines of ‘Drinking From My Saucer’, by John Paul Moore –
…“I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He’s bestowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer,
’cause my cup has overflowed.
…If God gives me strength and courage,
when the way grows steep and rough.
I’ll not ask for other blessings,
I’m already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I’ll keep drinking from my saucer,
‘Cause my cup has overflowed.”
Those words she shared are just a small part a simple poem, but they send a powerful, powerful message. Don’t we all have times when our cup seems empty, hollow, needing sustenance? And gratefully, aren’t there times when our blessings feel so bountiful and beyond, that giving generously is a way to give thanks for all we have – truly overflowing blessings.